Secret Ways to Know Your Partner’s Ring Size
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Secret Ways to Know Your Partner’s Ring Size

Can you imagine the perfect proposal plan coupled with the perfect ring getting spoiled by choosing the wrong size of the ring? Well yes, it can spoil the fun and enjoyment of your special day. That’s the reason why you must have knowledge about the exact size of your partner’s ring finger. It is indispensable for making your surprise proposal an enjoyable moment.


So, before you get ready to pop the question before your partner, discover the creative ways to know the engagement ring size secretly.

Here we go—


  • Be subtle—

Make sure to get the information about the ring size in a subtle manner. For example, you can ask your partner’s ring size just for reference. You can even buy an inexpensive ring and ask your partner to give it a try to see whether it fits her or not.


  • Use a pen and paper for documenting the ring size—

Try tracing the inside of the ring on a small paper. Your jeweler shall find out the ring’s diameter from the sketch provided by you.


A good suggestion is to take a ring worn by your partner while he or she is not aware of it and put it on your finger to get an estimate. After this, draw a line on your finger just below the place where the ring sits.

Now go to your jeweler to let them use their ring sizers for finding the perfect match on the basis of the line on your finger. It is always better to overestimate the size a bit as it is easier to resize the ring that is big rather than the one that is too small.


  • Ask her friends—

You can ask her friends to help in knowing the ring size. They might be having a clue to this. You may even ask her friend to take your partner for engagement ring shopping merely for fun.


This might prove to be of great help in getting an exact size and even reveal about the styles she likes. Asking her mom would also be a good idea to know the size.


  • Check her jewelry box— 

To know her ring size, just check your soon-to-be partner’s jewelry box. Stay alert so that she does not come to know about it. See to it that the size of the ring she wears on her ring finger should be checked to get an estimate of the engagement ring’s size.


To measure the size, you can use a bar of soap and push the ring into it for getting an imprint. However, don’t forget to wipe away the residue of soap from the ring, otherwise, it can give a clear clue to your girlfriend that something is fishy.

You can also trace the ring size by using a piece of paper and a pencil. Put the ring on the paper and draw the inside circumference for showing the same to the jeweler.


  • Take help of a ring sizing gauge—

Make us of a ring sizing gauge on her finger when she is having a deep sleep. It will give an accurate measurement of the size. However, make sure you don’t tighten it so much that it gives a wrong measurement.


  • Get help from the jeweler—


If your would-be partner has a birthday or any upcoming special occasion which you would love to celebrate, then you can take her to the your jewelry store to get some special jewelry gift for her. It could be a pair of earrings, a necklace, or a bracelet. While selecting the gift for her, you can trickily ask her to try a couple of rings or even tell the jeweler beforehand to ask her for trying a few rings.


  • Disguise a question—

You can disguise a question in a game about the size of her finger to trick her into unveiling the answer about the same. Isn’t it a clever trick? I hope you will agree.


  • Get her a costume jewelry ring—

Yes, this can work for you. Purchase a costume jewelry ring for her and say that you found it lying somewhere or won it in some game. When she wears it, you can know whether the size is appropriate for her or not.

Finally, after doing so much of turmoil for her, you are now ready to propose her with the engagement ring of her dreams (and yours too) without running the surprise.

Get Ready to Pop the Question for the Momentous Occasion!!!


Charles Kevin

Charles Kevin doesn't just write about diamonds and gemstones; he brings their stories to life. His passion for storytelling and the fascinating world of gemstones has shaped his career as a writer. But it's not just about the sparkle and glamour; it's about his ability to translate complex gemological knowledge into concise, accessible writings that bring him joy.

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