February is the month of celebrations, starting off with the eagerly awaited Valentine’s Day and giving way to the season of marriage proposals. All this involves exchanging engagement rings and wedding rings.
Moreover, your love for Jewelry, whether it is your favorite diamond engagement ring, the gold necklace gifted by your mom, or any other piece of adornment in your collectibles, is unending.
After all, it is symbolic of several emotions for you, including love, fashion, and social status, not to forget the financial or investment aspect of the jewels.
All this calls for special protection against theft, damage, burglary or accidental loss. No wonder, more and more Jewelry lovers are now getting comfortable with the concept of Jewelry insurance.
How to get Jewelry Insurance?
Now the question is which insurance plan is feasible for ensuring jewelry protection? And the answer is clear. You must choose a customized plan keeping your requisite requirements in mind. After all, a jewelry lover cannot ignore to protect his/her most fashionable possession.
Specialized Jewelry Insurance
It is a free-standing and independent policy. So, even if you have any other coverage for your jewel pieces, you can still opt for this policy. It offers an added level of care for your valuable pieces of ornaments. All you need is file an application providing your personal details as well as details about your Jewelry requiring insurance.
Of course, you have to furnish a comprehensive appraisal or sales receipt with every individual item to be covered. This is to ensure that your Jewelry gets coverage for the exact value so that you get claim in case of theft or damage. The best part about this type of coverage is that such insurance professionals have adequate knowledge about different types of jewels which only an expert jeweler knows.
Cost of Jewelry Insurance
Depending upon your country and city of residence, generally, specialty jewelry insurance coverage costs around 1-2% of your jewelry’s total value. This cost is to be paid annually.
Hence, it is advisable to offer protection to your jewelry by selecting the best jewelry insurance. Remember, jewelry insurance costs are quite nominal keeping in mind the safety and coverage they extend for your adornments along with the peace of mind for you.
Not sure about getting your jewelry coverage? Here are some important questions you need to answer—
- Worried to wear your uninsured jewels?
- Feel deterred due to risk of insurance costs going up?
- Inability to cover the expenses for replacing it?
- Wondering if you will get adequate compensation for any loss or accidental damage to your jewelry?
Well, all these doubts are normal for any jewelry owner thinking to file for insurance coverage for their precious possessions. If your answer to the above queries is a big ‘yes’, then you must gear up to get your jewels insured right now. Moreover, you must stay assured that a reliable insurance company is liable to offer best services to their highly esteemed customers.
Feeling curious to make an application for jewelry coverage? It’s simple. You can make an online application in just a couple of minutes and get receipt for the same. Simply make sure to get independent coverage from a company specializing in Jewelry insurance.
And if you already have an insurance coverage for Jewelry and want to add any new piece to the policy, you can do so by informing the firm and making additional premium.
Enjoy Wearing Jewelry with Proper Jewelry Insurance!!!